Tuesday 27 September 2011

Tomorrow Is The Big Day!!

Wow! I just can't believe that tomorrow is the big day! I'm getting SO excited! Wait...my whole family is excited! I bet Benjamin is too and he doesn't even know how to talk yet! Oh my, it came SO fast! Remember three weeks ago that post I posted, Leaving in Three Weeks! well, those three weeks flew by so fast! I knew they would though because that's just how time works I guess..it flies by!

I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight because I'm so excited! Hmm maybe, maybe not! I pray I do because I'll need the rest due to a big day tomorrow and the next day! Speaking of which...my whole family will need to have a good sleep tonight!

This is my first time flying overseas, so I'm really looking forward to seeing new places! Wow..I'll be on the other side of the globe!

Learning Hebrew!

My, what a language to learn! Ever since I found out that I was going to Israel, I cracked down on learning Hebrew. It's challenging, but fun!

So far, I've learned just the basic words. I know basic restaurant words like Waiter which is Meltzar, Bill which is Cheshbon and there is so much more! I've learned how to count to 10 in Hebrew...but I think I'll need to learn more than just up to 10 if we go shopping! I know basic household items too like Cupboard is Aron and Curtain is Veelon. And much more!

Yep...that's about it! I'm making slow progress but it's coming along! I bet by the time I come back I will be speaking Hebrew fully! How blessed am I to go to the Promised Land!

Monday 12 September 2011

16 Days

WOOHOO! I got an iPod Touch 4th Generation! That’s the newest one with the camera. Great, now I can use it to help me blog along the way to Israel and when I'm in Israel! I'm SO excited! But not as excited as I am about going to Israel!

I just can't believe that it’s only 16 days until I leave for Israel! The trip I'm dreading...but I just can't wait to get there! You see, I have 2 little brothers. One is 3 (Elijah) and the other is 9 months (Benjamin). Benjamin is still drinking bottles...my brother Nolan and I just can't imagine how my Mom is going to pack so many bottles with her! Both Benjamin and Elijah are probably going to be cranky because it is going to take us about 48 hours to get to our apartment in Tiberias. Their sleeping schedules are probably going to be messed up. But I pray that they will sleep well and be happy!

We are leaving on the 28th and be at the Calgary Airport at about 1. Our flight leaves at around 3:20pm we will arrive in Amsterdam at about 8:15am. We will be in Amsterdam for about 12 hours then we get back on the plane to go to Tel Aviv. From Amsterdam to Tel Aviv is about a 4 hour flight. We will arrive in Tel Aviv at about 2:25am, so we won't be able to see the city because it will be dark. Then it's a 2 hour drive to our apartment in Tiberias and there by about 4:30am.

Please pray that all goes well and that we get there safely!

How Did it Happen??

 I bet your asking yourself, how did Sarah and her family decide to go to Israel?! Well, it’s all because of our friends that live in Tiberias, Israel and The All Mighty! It was about a week ago that my dad said, how would you feel if Nolan (my brother) and I just go? We can't all go. I said that I would probably cry and feel left out! But I knew that it was commanded that the men go 3 times a year to the Holy Land. Then my Mom got a Skype from an old friend! They had moved to Israel! Mom and her just joked about how fun it would be if my whole family could go. Then our friend said, I know of an empty apartment my friend has and isn’t using at the moment. Well, my Mom was sort of surprised and serious at the same time about that. Really? She said. So our friend phoned the lady who had the apartment and asked if we could use it for 3 months. She said we could! We where SO excited! So Mom looked up the price of the tickets for us to go and booked them! Now we are going to Israel!

Lots of our friends are going to be there during the fall feasts so it’s great that we can go and join them in the Holy Land!


Thursday 8 September 2011

Leaving In 3 Weeks!

Hey everyone!

I'm leaving in 3 weeks to go to Israel and I'll be gone for 3 months! So I hope you will enjoy following me on my epic journey to Israel!