Tuesday 13 December 2011


Oh wow, Masada is an amazing place with such history! You would think of Masada as a city on a hill kind of like Zefat. But I can tell you that it's much more than that. It's a place of life and death, sorrow and joy. Really, it's set in the desert mountains (in Hebrew a mountain is called Har) with vast mountain ranges and the Dead sea in the distance. It's really a breathtaking view. No wonder the Romans wanted it so darn bad! Oops! Am I skipping ahead to fast?? Sorry! Let's start at the beginning ;)

Ah the Romans. Romans, Romans, Romans...such a strong people full of well...anger. It's kind of hard to put it. You see, the Romans didn't "own" it until they took full control over it. The basic reason that we know about the history of Masada today is because of Josephus Flavius. He called the attack on Masada "The Great Revolt". Josephus relates that one of the first events of the Great Revolt, which broke out in 66 CE, was the conquest of Masada by the Sicarii, a group that got it's name from a curved dagger, the sica, which they carried. The Sicarii were headed by Menahem, son of Judah the Galilean, who was murdered in Jerusalem in 66 CE. After the murder, Eleazar Ben Yair fled from Jerusalem to masada and became commander of the rebel community on the mountain. It was a varied group, which apparently included Essenes and Samaritans. The last of the rebels fled to Masada after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE and joined those already in the fortress under the command of Eleazar Ben Yair. They were living a happy life full of joy and freedom until the Romans came. Once aware of the Romans presence, the Jews tried to defend themselves but couldn't. The Jews defended themselves by rolling down large stones on the Romans. But the Romans had Jewish prisoners working for them to help build up the ramp to Masada. The Jews on Masada didn't want to kill their own people so they had to stop rolling the stones down.
The Romans were building the ramp up to Masada because there was no other way to get up to it at that time. Now they have cable cars to take you up to it...lol. Anyways, it took them a long time to build the ramp up to the top of Masada.

While the Romans were building the ramp up, the Jews were almost in panic because they knew that the romans were an awful people. The Jews had no other choice but to basically commit suicide. It was either that or live theirs lives full of torture and pain. They didn't want their wives and children to become servants. So they had to make a painful decision, commit suicide. So before the Romans came to attack and kill them, they quietly killed their wives and children. I think they would have done it a quick and not so painful way. My best guess it that they put poison in their drinks one night and didn't ever wake up the next morning. Can you imagine being a roman and coming up there after all that time building the ramp and everyone was dead?! But the Romans sadly got what they wanted! I'm just thankful that the Father has those families with Him right now. They are probably happy and save. In fact, I know they are :)

After all of that, King Herod build his GIGANTIC palace on top of Masada which is still kinda standing today! Oh my, it's an amazing sight! Not all of it is excavated but so much of it is! I know it was inhabited by Romans but The Jews lived there long before them. Some of the original flooring is still in place! Masada had springs of water flowing through it and all of it's food resources. So basically, it was already stalked full of food and water! In Herod's Palace he had water cisterns, bathing rooms, a swimming pool, bed rooms, guest houses, a church and SO much more! Man, that guy must gave been loaded with cash! lol ;)

Below are some pictures from Masada. It's really nothing like being there! You'd HAVE to experience it for yourself to understand where I'm coming from.

This is the original camp from the Romans

The view from the top of Masada

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