Wednesday 5 October 2011

Its SO Different!

First off, it's well hot here. It's like 30 degrees C everyday and there is absolutely no wind! So, every time we go to get food or something, we have to walk and we sweat and sweat and we almost pass out because of the heat. Okay, does it sound like I'm complaining? Sorry..I'm not but Im just getting my point across. lol

Second of all, everyone who drives honks all the time! No joke! They just don't honk once but like...3-4 times! I'm actually starting to get used to it and I've only been here what? 4 days? Wow..apparently Israelis like to honk their horns!

Another thing is the Shook. (market) My, my it's quite an experience just to go there and look around! The Shook is like the farmers market but it Looks like something you would see in Mexico. The shook sells fruits and veggies and also fresh baked bread! The fruits and veggies here are SO much bigger than they are back in Canada, but they aren't imported from other countries so they are seasonal. Right now Mangos are in season. I haven't had a mango from here yet, but I've heard they are so juicy and not to hairy.

The thing I LOVE about being here is that it's illegal to sell un-kosher food! So, at the candy store I can have anything and not have to worry about it being un-kosher! Woot!

Below are some pictures of the shook and candy store. Oh, another thing is there are lots of Pigeons

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