Tuesday 15 November 2011


I can now say that I've been to Eilat. It's not the white sandy beaches with warm salty water I expected from the pictures I saw. It's more rocky and cold. With lots of fish. Okay...I'm not complaining, but it's not what I expected.

We left on Wednesday morning and arrived late wednesday afternoon. Oh my goodness, Eilat has like 1000000000 traffic circles! I got SO car sick from just entering the city! lol! Since we didn't have a GPS...it took us an hour to find the hostle we where to stay at. We went back and forth..... and back and forth. Then when we FINALLY found an Information Centre, the lady gave us a map and we ended up being like 3 minutes away from the info center.

We arrived at the Corrine Hostle at about 4pm...it was the oldest Hostle around. *shiver* Our room didn't even have a proper shower stall. Mom just told us, we are camping! So I wasn't too freaked out after that ;) It was nice though!!

That night we went to the beach just as the sun was setting. It was really nice just to sit on the beach for a few minutes and enjoyed the last bit of sunshine. lol..I admit it was cold. But we noticed here were lots of Muslim's! Like a lot of Muslims! Later we found out it was their three day feast thinger...grrrrrrrr...we came while they were having their (excuse my language) pathetic feast or whatever. But we tried to make the best out if it anyways! We went and had dinner at a shawarma place and it was great! Then we went back to the hostle and went to sleep. Da da daaaaa! hehe

The next morning, we got up and got ready to go eat breakfast. Dad woke up and the bed wrecked him. It was rock hard. It's not easy to sleep on a rock hard bed when you have a sore neck and have for the last 6 years. So Mom, Nolan, Elijah, Benjamin and I all went out for breakfast to Cafe Cafe! What a wonderful place to eat! It was 19°C that morning and we had our ice coffees with French fries. Yes, I like my French fries for breakfast. xD it was great!!! We brought some breakfast home for dad and then left to explore!

We drove and drove then ran across an Underwater Observatory!! Yes, it was during the Muslim thing...so there were lots of them there. But yet again, we made the best out of it! It was SO cool!! You go in and there are lots of buildings and aquariums! They give you a schedule of events so you can go to each thing while it's happening. My goodness, you learn lots about fish! And....*shiver* sharks. Hehe...yeah, it was cool. Then at the end, we went into the underwater Observatory!! It was amazing! But that's as close as I get to scuba diving. lol

That night, we went down to the "party" area of Eilat! It's got like lots of little shops and a big slingshot ride that yes I went on. My face went from all calm to totally freaked out!! lol

We originally wanted to stay for 4 days but ended up leaving early ;) So we got up early on Friday morning and headed to Timna Park right outside of Eilat!!


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