Monday 7 November 2011

Yeshua Boat

So, ever since I arrived in Tiberias I've seen these boats go across the Sea. I knew they were called "Jesus" boats...but I prefer to call them Yeshua Boats because well..that's the savior's name! Yes they are owned by Christians..but still. ;)

A few weeks ago we had planned to go on a boat...but it didn't seem to work out. So we ended up going on a 5 passenger boat just for fun! You see, you have to be with a tour in order to get on one. But luckily our friends that were staying here new a guy who kinda knows everyone, so he got my mom and dad with a few others on one with a tour group! Then a few days later...we all went on one!

When you arrive at the centre which is called Ginasur (not sure how to spell that) you walk into this big open place with a gift shop and a cafe. Then you walk in further and you see a model of a boat. Then you turn to your right and there are these sliding doors. You go in and you are looking at an original boat from Yeshua's time!!! Amazing, eh?! Then you get to watch a short show on how they found it and got it to the centre! It's really amazing how it survived that long under the sand!!

Sadly, we were rushed and had to get on the boat. So we JUST made it and it ended up being an all Chinese tour going on the boat. So, it was all in Chinese and we couldn't understand anything. So we just took lots of pictures ;) But near the end, the owner of the boat sang a few tunes and then sold his CDs and Jewelry. Man, that guy can sing! It was great! It was quite an experience!! The boat was so neat!!

Below are some pictures I took from the boat and some of the original boat. Also some of the nails that were found that were in the boat..but just think! Those went through Yeshua's hands! They are NO small nails!

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