Tuesday 8 November 2011

Mt. Arbal

Mt. Arbal is known as a High Lonely Place. Yeshua spent lots of his time up on Mt. Arbal teaching his disciples and also spending time alone with YHVH. It's a quiet place up on top of the mountain with one tree. Today, I went there and got to sit where Yeshua might have sat. In fact, I probably did.

When you are on top of the mountain, you can see this passage way through the valley between Mt. Arbal and the mountain beside it. It's called, Via Maris. It's like the trans Canada highway...sort of. Noah and his family went through Via Maris, Abraham and Sarah went through Via Maris, Jacob and his family went through Via Maris, and so did the Israelites when they entered the Land. It's amazing! But, the valley was more lush and green during the time of Yeshua. It's breathtaking knowing that the Messiah was there!

Literally, you can see for miles when your on top of Mt. Arbal!! If you look at an angle towards Tiberias, you can barley see round top mountain off in the distance. It's called Mt. Tavar. On that exact mountain, Thats where Elijah and Moses come down to Yeshua. It's really an amazing sight to see the real place from a distance. I always imagined it but never knew what it really looked like!

Do you remember the story in the book of John were Yeshua walked on water? Well...I can tell you how it happened with more of a scientific point of view. So, Yeshua was spending time with his disciples and sent them down saying, go to the other side of the lake. And when looking at the lake at Ginasor which is on the side Mt. Arbal is on, it doesn't look like anything hard at all! So his disciples were like..sure..we've done it a hundred times! So they went down the mountain and Yeshua stayed at the top to spend some time with YHVH and preform a miracle. When the disciples were about half way across the lake, a storm brewed. Okay..that's impossible when your so low below sea level and the wind only blows in one direction. The one and only way this could happen is if a Sharav wind and a wind from the Mediterranean Sea collide. The Sharav wind comes from Syria. This has never happened since then...I don't think. So, that's what happened. It's also impossible for you to be on the mountain and suddenly appear on the sea within a sort amount of time. It would take like...hours to get down the mountain and to the lake. It's never mentioned in the Torah how Yeshua got down the mountain so quickly. But really since we know of "superman" who "flies", Yeshua either flew or teleported to the lake. So one minute he was on the mountain and the next we was walking on water. Amazing, eh?! He's SO amazing!!

Yeshua spent 75% of his time within the Galilee. That's were I'm staying!! I'm amazed that he put me here where he spent most of his time! But, he never ever went into Tiberias. During the time when Yeshua was on earth, Tiberias was full of Romans and they did sickening things. Also there were no synagogs in Tiberias at the time. It says in the Torah, he went to all the synagogs. So..he went to EVERY SINGLE ONE! Cool, eh?! But when he went, he didn't go for an hour or two..he went all day! That's what they did back then! But now a days, Tiberias is a holy city full of Jews and synagogs. It's amazing how it changes!

When you are on Mt. Arbal and facing the lake, if you look in the corner you can see Tabgha and that's were Yeshua fed the 5000! I have been wanting to see that for so long and I've finally seen it from a distance.

Below are some pictures from Mt. Arbal and the Synagog that was found just below Mt. Arbal. The second picture is a step I stood on that Yeshua Stood on!

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