Wednesday 16 November 2011

Timna Park

Now, this was an experience! When you arrived at Timna, there are these Egyptian statue things. then you drive a bit and arrive at the gate. When you look past the gate all you see is desert and mountains. So all you think is this is going to be a lllllloooooonnnnnnggggg drive. But you start driving and about 3 minutes into the drive you end up at Spiral Rock! It's a gigantic rock that spirals up! It's SO cool!! Nolan, Dad and I all jumped out of the car and walked towards the rock....*suspense music starts playing* then out of nowhere, dad tripped over his SPIKEY plant bush thing! Ouch!!!!! It was SO SHARP! it reminded me of the crown of thorns that the Romans put on Yeshua's head. But, they were white. Hmm, different.

As we continued our rough journey to Spiral rock the ground was full of rocks and sand. We thought to ourselves that the israelites had to travel through that terrain. But after what...5000 plus much more people traveling through plus livestock, it probably was a cleared path. But I thought to myself that Moses was the first one to walk the path and he probably stubbed his toes lots!! Like having to walk in sandals all the time..that would get frustrating! Lol..I don't know for sure but it's just a thought. ;)

Once at Spiral rock, it was such a cool rock formation! Same with Mushroom Rock which is further up the road. Same only different...but mushroom rock is shaped like well a mushroom!! ;)

Then a few minutes later up the road, there is a site were they found original carvings in the rock probably from the Israelites... not sure. They didn't look anything like Egyptian my guess is they are probably from the Israelites. But anyways, they were cool. They were over 4000 years old! Wow! I've seen 1000 year old flooring, 1000's of years old roman pillars, 1000's of year old city walls, 4000 year old buildings from king David's era, parts of structures from King Solomon's era and now 4000 year old rock carvings!!! woot woot!!! I'm on a roll!!! lol! Oh, did I mention that I saw original copper mine shafts from the Egyptians like 4000 years ago? lol. It was so cool!!! No, I didn't go in the mine shafts...they were blocked off ;)

While driving in to the main centre in the park, you look to your left and see a replica cubit to cubit structure of the temple from Moses's time!!! Sweet, eh? We went to the centre first to do the free sand in the bottle thinger. It was fun! The sand was all the different sands from the park! Ha! I now have Timna desert sand! lol! After we finished that, we headed over to the temple!!!

Wow! That's about all I can say. lol, just kidding ;) it was SO cool just walking in and thinking that the Priests sacrificed and did holy days in there...okay not in that exact one, but you get the idea. There was a replica alter and a replica bronze basin were the priests washed before entering the Holy of Holies. When in the Holy of Holies, they have a table of showbread and two mannequin's dressed in priestly garments. Wow! It was SO cool to see real life size mannequins in priestly robes! Like life size! Then behind the curtain is a replica Ark of the Covenant with the ten commandments on two tablets of stone with Aron's staff. Now that's too cool!

Afterwords we went and had a wonderful lunch in the main centre. At about 2 in the afternoon we left and headed back to Tiberias.

While on the way back, it was dark not long after sunset and dad took a wrong turn. You never want to do that in Israel. *cough cough* we ended up in Jericho which is an Arab/Palistinian So we thought it was the IDF (Israel Defense Force) at the city checkpoint. It ended up that the security guards were Arab. You want to know why?! Dad asked him how to get back to the road that goes to Tiberias. The guy told him and then dad said Todah which is thank you in Hebrew. The guy said, OH DON'T SAY THAT!!!!! Were are you from? Dad said, Canada. The guy said, oh...welcome to Palestine!! Me in the back seat, *shiver* help!! So all that goes to say, never ever ever ever say Todah to a Palestinian. lol!!! Just speak english if your not sure!!!

Below are more pictures from Timna Park

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